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Hello there!

Welcome to my site and if you made it this far then I guess I shall tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Thomas Dunn, and I’m an Artist residing outside of Atlanta, GA. Many people believe I’m a Floridian but I was born in Pennsylvania. My family moved to South Florida in the mid 80’s and I lived there until I went to art school in NYC and after college I moved and now reside outside of Atlanta, GA.

After I moved to Atlanta I struggled to find my voice as an artist and a platform to showcase my work. I received my Masters of Teaching Art Education and taught middle school art for a couple years. However, I made decisions to leave teaching and my life was defined by working for the following years. It was only when things in my life were flipped upside down and a global pandemic happened that I decided to find out who I am again.

My work has been influenced by the Impressionists of the late 19th century and the Abstract Expressionists of the mid 20th century. My work encompasses the energy around me, the beauty of life, the struggles of human emotion, and my place within it.

Rediscovering my passion for art has reawakened something that has long been dormant in my life for nearly a decade. I hope you enjoy what you see.

All the best,
